Friday, March 15, 2013

The Avengers Critical Review

          The Avengers is a an awesome action movie! All these heros come together to help save the bad guys from destroying and taking over earth. This movie is just incredible I love the action I love the actors everything about this movie is good.

What I love about this movie is how the action starts right away and doesn't stop till the end. Thor aka my boyfriend is awesome! I love how they all came together I did read some of the comics and the tv cartoon and thought they were good but the fact how they did it on big screen with real people was really amazing!

My favortie scene in this movie is when hulk and Thor just finished fighting and they stand there all proud while everyone is starring at them and Hulk just punches Thor and it's pretty hilarious. Most girls didn't think it was funny but I know I was laughing my butt off!

This movie I loved it, everything about it! I was not bored at all I was excited to come to my film class because we were watching this movie. This movie 5 stars all the way I am so excited to see the second one to come out!!

Benjamin Button Review

 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was such a very interesting and unique movie. A baby that was born old and got young as he grew up. Since he was born old they didn't want some weird baby. Brad Pitt does a fantastic job in this movie and also he's really good looking. 

It was sad how he had to grow up like that but would I loved was how he did accepted what he had. He would ask his mom why he was different and she would tell him what she could to cheer him up. The mom is also one of my favorite's in this movie how she takes him in and is kind and accepts him shows so much about her. I liked how this movie foreshadows from the beginning to the end of the movie. 

This movie is long and some parts can get boring but it has some parts that makes you interested and keeps you watching this movie. I will have to say young Brad Pitt shirtless in this movie will have to be my favorite scenes in the movie. 

I thought this movie was just very unique and interesting might be long like I said before but at the end of the movie it just makes you see how we are all not perfect. This movie is a thumbs up! And I most definetley will show this movie to my friends.  

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower Review

   The Perks of being a Wallflower is about a kid who is going to a new school and meets his two new best friends and falls in love with a girl who had a bad reputation with guys. It's a really good movie especially for us girls who get all excited and emotional for the romance. 

Charlie is a freshmen also the main character in this movie, he's such a little cutie he is very polite and not so social with other people so he kind of just there a shy boy. When he meets his two friends that are seniors they take him in and show him another side of life. 

What I mean another side of life is they take him in and so he gets friends and experiences drugs too but not to the point where he's addicted no. There is like a twist in the story which makes me cry of course cause I'm a girl that gets emotional fast. 

I honestly thought this had to be one of my favorite movies, the characters were great, and the whole story was just very good. One of my all time favorite films, and Emma Watson she is one of my favorite actresses. So I most definitely give this movie a thumbs up and recommend it! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Raising Arizona Critical Review

Raising Arizona is about a couple who can't have a baby and are willing to do about anything to get one. This movie is funny and has some romance in it which are my favorite scenes in the movie. 

Nicholas Cage was funny in this movie and did a really good job. I enjoyed how he made his character seem so real. His love for his wife is so cute and how he is willing to go through trouble just to make sure she is happy is my favorite part in the movie. I'm a sucker for romance what can I say. 

It kept me laughing and giggling throughout the movie which I liked for comedy movies. It's not one of those movies were your like half asleep. You stay awake it's sort of funny dumb and those are always the funniest in my opinion. 

I give this movie a thumbs up, I really recommend it and hope you people enjoy it as much as I did. It really doesn't make you want to fall asleep! It's funny and makes you want to keep watching and see what happens next.

Gandhi Review

Gandhi is a movie about a guy who just wants peace to solve stuff by talking and not having to fight. This movie is really long and some parts can be boring but its inspiring.

This movie I guess you can say can inspires people to do better or see things in different kind of ways now. We all have different kinds of view of things and this movie helps you see how we don't always have to fight and solve our problems like that.

I liked how this movie starts with him getting shot in the beginning and than goes back on why and who he was. Ben Kingsley did a really good job in this movie. He had a big role in this movie and I think he pretty much nailed it.

I give this movie a thumbs up it was long and some parts may be boring but it was still a good movie. I really like how he tried to be a very peaceful guy and doesn't like to solve problems by fighting. If only he lived and died of oldness in real life but they ended up shooting him which sucked. But overall this is a good movie.